The ArcelorMittal Group projects good results with a net progression for the 2017 financial year as well as positive prospects for 2018! In Luxembourg, the general management presents itself very enthusiastically through the local media and you could almost say that “everything is fine in the brave new world”!
The LCGB supports this enthusiasm and underlines that all the conditions necessary to negotiate a new collective agreement in such a prosperous environment are thus met! We must, however, note an unparalleled stagnation of the majority trade union OGBL, which creates an incredible, incomprehensible and dishonorable situation for all employees of the Luxemburgish steel industry!
The OGBL, after having signed and accepted the dismantling of the collective agreement following the last negotiations in 2013, did not learn anything, even worse: Today, 16 months later, the No. 1 trade union does not even considers its worthy to ask for the opening of negotiations for a collective agreement.
An effrontery!!!
Do they have a special arrangement with the management, thus taking all the employees and delegates hostage?
Reminder: The collective bargaining agreement for the employees of the Luxembourgish steel industry expired on December 31st, 2016.
Despite the disaster dictated by ArcelorMittal and signed by the majority union, the LCGB-SESM committed themselves to the opening of negotiations in order to improve the working conditions.
The LCGB had requested the opening of the negotiation talks on September 19th, 2016, a 1st information meeting on the economic and social situation of the company was consequently held on December 14th, 2016, in presence of the representatives of both the LCGB and OGBL.
By mutual agreement, all parties decided to first conclude negotiations for the post Lux2016 treaty before opening negotiations for a collective agreement. After the tripartite steel meeting on September 18th, 2017, it was agreed to establish an agenda for the negotiation meetings.
Following a meeting of LCGB representatives and ArcelorMittal’s management in November 2017, we must, however, note that all the initiatives proposed by the LCGB have, to this date, remained unanswered, ArcelorMittal’s management remains very reserved and the presence of the majority union shines by its absence.
On December 12th, 2017, the LCGB sent another letter to ArcelorMittal asking for proposals for dates to start negotiations once and for all.
Despite this miserable situation, the LCGB upholds its commitment in the strict interest of its members and all employees of the different sites of the steel giant. On January 31st, 2018, the LCGB had thus organized various information sessions in order to inform its members in detail about the situation as well as to take the necessary measures for encouraging the OGBL to resume negotiations, together and in everyone’s best interest.
During these sessions, the LCGB highlighted that since the introduction of the single statute in 2009, employees of the steel industry have not obtained a linear salary increase and even worse, they have constantly seen a deterioration of the benefits guaranteed through the collective agreement.
The fact that one of the largest employers along with the country’s No. 1 trade union (with its majority) still has not produced a harmonized text for the 2 collective agreements (ex-workers and ex-employees) is shameful. ONLY the LCGB has given the management the complete harmonized text in the form of a brochure!
The LCGB is today, as it was yesterday, ready for negotiations!
The LCGB’s negotiation proposals include:
- a linear increase for all employees;
- the improvement of the evolution requirements within the appraisal system;
- the introduction of a meal voucher system (AM does not have canteens);
- the improvement of the MBO bonus conditions;
- the introduction of a social leave and a time savings account;
- the right to progressive pre-retirement.
The behavior of the majority union and AM’s management is unacceptable and irresponsible while damaging the interests of the steel employees!
The LCGB underlines again its readiness to come together at the negotiating table in the strict interest of the employees of the steel industry and urges the OGBL to finally come to reason.
The LCGB will make use of all the available means in order to continue its efforts in fighting against a new violation of the social benefits and in fighting in the strict interest of all ArcelorMittal employees.